

Yandex is a technology company that builds intelligent products and services powered by machine learning

Open Core Products
Name Projects
Yandex Managed Service for YDB YDB
Yandex Managed Service for Greenplum Greenplum Database
Yandex Managed Service for ClickHouse ClickHouse
Yandex DataSphere PyTorch, Tensorflow, Jupyter Notebook
Yandex Managed Service for Apache Kafka Apache Kafka
Yandex Managed Service for MySQL MySQL
Yandex Managed Service for PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
Yandex Managed Service for Elasticsearch Elasticsearch
Yandex Data Proc Apache Hadoop, Apache HBase, Apache Hive, Apache Zepplin
Managed Service for Kubernetes Kubernetes
Yandex Managed Service for GitLab Gitlab
Open Source Contributors
Rank Name
273 Maxim Babenko 69,084,488
885 Ignat Kolesnichenko 36,280,992
2159 Yuriy Chernyshov 20,770,289
4618 Anastasiya Volkova 11,672,973
5383 vvvv 10,260,612
6200 alexvru 9,123,912
6317 ilnaz 8,960,985
6343 ivanmorozov 8,923,095
7302 Elizabeth Kuzenkova 7,889,598
8259 aneporada 7,077,852
Project Contributions
Percentage of commits past X days
Project Contributions 30 90 All
Temporal Tables Extension 0% 0% 63%
YDB 21% 18% 31%
WAL-G 19% 9% 23%
pg_ivm 0% 50% 1%
YTsaurus 9% 9% 41%
FlexGen 0% 0% 5%
Petals 0% 0% 3%
userver 0% 0% 10%
Jepsen 0% 0% 0%
FlatBuffers 0% 0% 0%